Case Studies

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Case Studies
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For purpose of confidentiality, survivors’ names will not be used

Case Study #4 – Central American female

  • Illegally smuggled into the U.S. in 1995 at the age of 15 by a Hispanic immigrant female (with falsified documents). Captor (#1) withheld the falsified papers
  • Forced to raise 1 child in New York City, did the household jobs and light shopping without pay. Not allowed to talk to anyone outside captor’ friends & family
  • Not allowed to go to school.
  • Verbally and emotionally abused
  • Captor negotiated money with one of her (captor’s) relative living in another state, leased victim to her to raise 1 child, did the household jobs and light shopping without pay. Not allowed to talk to anyone outside captors’ friends & family
  • Sexually abused
  • Slept on the floor
  • Not allowed to go to school, still.
  • Her new captor (#2) moved to New York City and she was forced her to raise 2 other children, did the household jobs and light shopping without pay. Not allowed to talk to anyone outside captors’ friends & family
  • Captor (#1) and her relative (captor #2) had argument over money. Captor (#1) sent victim back to Central America when she was not getting her regular payment from captor #2 and withheld the falsified papers
  • Captor (#1) settled financial deal with her relative (captor #2) and the victim was smuggled back into the U.S. and continued living with captor #2 in another state.
  • Not allowed to go to school, still.
  • Was in captive for till end of 1999
  • Left the captive situation with the falsified documents
  • Captors #1 harassed and threatened victim to pay for the falsified documents in her possession
  • Victim has difficulty adjusting to her real name, hence, she continues to go along with the name on the falsified document
  • Victim had a child on the falsified name and child’s last name bears the last name on the falsified document.
  • Captors #1 threatened to kidnap victim’s child for ransom for non-payment of the documents in her possession
  • Captors #1 threatened to expose victim’s immigration status, and to produce the real owner of the falsified document to claim her child.
  • Victim is terrified for her safety and the safety of her child based on the threat

    Victim has few major concerns namely:
    1. To get her true identity.
    2. Adjustment of immigration status.
    3. Get the true identity for her child (last name).
    4. Restitution for unpaid labor

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